selfing in progress
selfing in progress Podcast
the facts won't make you happy

the facts won't make you happy

the Amazon TV series Transparent, working as a door guy at a bar in Austin, class differences between professional narcissists and service industry workers, being offline

ended up having a housemates movie night watching the show I’ve been binging—one is trans, the other is an elder activist, and the show hits on themes about both. it was a beautiful day: four hours of sleep (was mopping and emptying trash until 3:30am then woke at 8:45am to catch a bus to meet a friend for breakfast 10 miles north; upon returning, sang in a church parking garage then did a baseball pitching and fielding workout) — vibing with the slowness of the blinking cursor, and the lack of urgency to say anything online or to people in my life; enjoying my psyche and silence, but I suppose I’m now trying to break down that distance between me and you/others and have a sort of communion ~ one thought i had watching the show was “i miss family,” specifically: being in space and time, speaking before several people with whom I have a specific 1:1 relationship, and being heard, received; I don’t have family here and haven’t seen my family in over a year; we talk 1:1 in siloes; as the only child of divorced parents, this has become what I expect out of life: my private communion with God is private and will not be witnessed by a collective; community is a buzzword, a product that is sold, a mirage that eventually evaporates, and we’re left with materialist object relations: people, brands, labor, contracts; but there is brotherhood and camaraderie in the workplace—I’m not lying when I say it’s a fraternity of door guys on Sixth Street; it’s true that my Buckshot shirt is a recognized insignia and sigil that grants me special privileges and is an automatic "card” in the sense of “card-carrying member of the east coast elite,” a line I have in my book somewhere. anyway, this 22-minute audio felt good and i believe is good (i can only judge by the memory of the experience of the feeling of flow and truthfulness i had on the porch just now; rain and birds are a sure-to-please consolation prize for those special individuals who are lovingly sick of my bullshit)

selfing in progress
selfing in progress Podcast
fresh voice rambles making sense of agency, responsibility, artists and our era