selfing in progress
selfing in progress Podcast
walk to work, laying traps, kicked a falling leaf, heard an aluminum can fall but kept whispering

walk to work, laying traps, kicked a falling leaf, heard an aluminum can fall but kept whispering

after last episode's failed audio, redemption, continuation, absorption in the thoughts at hand, making latent conviction universal sense; the banality of genius

watching other men on email and instagram diminishes my own experience, yet absorption in the media is as far as we come; until we put the screen down and dwell with a body, use touch, but this dance shall go back and forth; bodies must part, so we return to project our remembering upon the media environment, reactivating the sense of the whole - this is akin to “how it works” and will work; my last week of being 36 begins, and fiends say we have a shot at making 86; fifty more years of This, walking to work, wondering why I’m not included, wondering how to change to get myself included: the pain comes from insisting on doing what I want and getting paid. It doesn’t happen smoothly, soonly (not a word, but its AutoCorrect brother ‘sonly’ is?! SONLY?! HOW SONLY AM I?? How holy?

breaking into song impressed her :) this was a fun conversation; a reminder that conversation is as far as we come, before suspicion arrives — but don’t let my commentary spoil the supper:

been thinking about the devil and the joker too

Interpol - Evil by gplewis on Smule: Social Singing Karaoke App

i can just lay down links in order so they can be clicked; i am aware this joke isn’t that funny anymore, the banality of Being Good, and surely good enough…and yesterday I tried out a statement that could get me cancelled: my work is great, but I’m not young enough, black enough, female enough or marginalized enough to justify helping out. Who could justify helping me out? What would it get them?

Geoffrey Lewis (@gpl_writes) / X

still dealing with a restricted main twitter account

wilding out in Google Docs; just reread and linked all the links in this one; take a swim, they’re easy pages, mostly it’s a map of inner sounds, not full sentences, kind of a tumble down a waterfall but it won’t hurt, nothing hurts when you’re reading something good from someone who’s surviving the same world you are

04. nicotine makes me love her more (102 pages) - Google Docs

selfing in progress
selfing in progress Podcast
fresh voice rambles making sense of agency, responsibility, artists and our era